Learn about the 7 Sacraments by taking a weekly class with me via Zoom. First two classes for each new student are free. Use the contact tab to apply.
Discounts for groups:
2 people: $40 each
3 people: $35 each
4 people: $30 each
5 people or more: $25 each
The 7 Sacraments Course
SKU: 36523641234523
Based on Thomas Aquinas and Joseph Ratzinger, learn the origin, nature, and purpose of the 7 Sacraments.
Class 1: Covenant & Communion
Class 2: What is a Sacrament?
Class 3: Baptism
Class 4: Confirmation
Class 5: Eucharist
Class 6: Penance
Class 7: Marriage
Class 8: Holy Orders
Class 9 Last Rites