Learn about the context and meaning of the Second Vatican Council by taking a weekly class with me via Zoom. First two classes for each new student are free. Use the contact tab to apply.
Discounts for groups:
2 people: $45 each
3 people: $40 each
4 people: $35 each
5 people or more: $30 each
Vatican II course
The Second Vatican Council is an often misrepresented event in the history of the Church. In this course we will walk through some key parts of the documents and uncover the theological debates lying at their origin. Key players and ideas will be covered throughout.
Class 1: What is an Ecumenical Council?
Class 2: The Reasons for Calling the Council
Class 3: The Liturgy
Class 4: Divine Revelation
Class 5: The Church
Class 6: Mary
Class 7: The Modern World
Class 8: The Laity
Class 9: The Aftermath of the Council
Class 10: The Universal Call to Holiness